Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Drama in real life!

Avid bollywood followers would remember, not so long ago, there was supposedly funny film with an outrageous storyline called AAGE SE RIGHT. Basically it was about a policeman's search for a lost GUN with a Bajrangbali sticker on it.  Who on earth could have imagined such a stupid idea for a movie!

But all this drama has been relived in the last week. Cops from UP in pursuit of a gang of thugs, chase running across the state. Finally caught, they recover little else from the thugs but a GUN. After using 3rd degree methods of torture, the thugs confess that the GUN belongs to one Rakhee in Mumbai. UP Cops sensing a golden opportunity announce that the gun belongs to Rakhee Sawant. May be just for an opportunity to interrogate their favourite leading lady, using may be first or second degree methods :D

Soon the news is out in the media, Paparazzi in their hero honda splendour chase our beauty queen all the way from wadala to goregaon. finally cornering her in the traffic jam.

Rakhee proclaims in her typical style that "she herself is a gun and whats the need for another one. Despite the many threats she had recieved so far, she has lived bravely all these days". Now thats a spectacular statement, making its way directly into BREAKING news on INDIA TV.

Among those watching TV, that afternoon was one yesteryear actress going by name Rakhee Gulzar. long forgotten by the media, she decides do something more spectacular. She files a complaint that the gun belongs not to Rakhee Sawant but Rakhee Gulzar and she had lost that along with Rs 7 lac cash. Our poor cops, feign ignorance about any cash recovery. One being asked to show the gun license, she claimed its a toy gun presented to her by Salman khan's dad (salim khan).  Now the twist had to be there, atleast to ensure Salman's guest appearance if  not a full movie role.

Even as this Rakhee vs Rakhee issue is being played out on media. I wonder what is going to be the next twist in the tale :)

Watch the story LIVE as it unfolds :D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The world this week for microbes in my small intestine

The battlelines are clearly drawn.  First it was the gram positive bacteria setting up bunkers on the northern flank, a couple of rounds of cephalosporins shells every morning & evening were fired for 5 straight days, to inflict lethal damage. So devastating were the daisy cutters, that they nearly wiped out the entire civization of the bacillus kind. Well! these included some lacto bacillus who succumbed to the friendly fire. 

This has definitely disrupted the microbial eco system. The lesser species of fungus found abundant resources in the main guts and arteries running across the body. No longer they needed to scavenge in the nooks & corners of the body, left out of bacterial occupation. Rearing their ugly heads, they have turned out the unforseen menace. Cephalosporins were not saints themselves, the world had long forgetten that they are also fungi, trained as foot soldiers to fight the mightly bacteria, by one Alexander Fleming one century ago. 

Now my body faces an internal civil war, between the fungi and patriotic antibodies. The anti bodies are fighting a losing battle against the sea of fungi. Now I have no choice but to hit the fungi, using who else bacteria. Probiotic bacteria  infiltrated the fungi in large numbers, devouring the unsuspecting fungi within a matter of few days. With such a good appetite developed and little fungi left, it is just  a matter of time, before they turn gram positive and become the unwanted pest.

As the battle continues, my small intestine survives one more day to tell the story as it unfolds ...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Matheran of many seasons

June 15th is one big day, I am really looking forward to. Well, that's approximately, when Mumbai and surrounding areas receive the first showers of the season. With showers, come flooded roads, broken umbrellas and stinky train compartments. But with it also comes transformation, its green green everywhere.

Best place to witness this transformation is Matheran. How can such a beautiful place be so easily accesible to residents of Mumbai, with a local train available once every hour to ferry you to this wonderland in mere 90 minutes for as little as Rs. 27. I think residents of big cities need to work harder and spend a lot more time & money to deserve this.

What excites me so much even today- after more than 7 odd trips in the last 3 years visiting the same place. Even if the destination if same, the routes can be different. Trust me, there are 10 different trekking routes to reach the hill top, each promising a unique adventure, I have tried only 2 thus far. 

Matheran looks completely different in different times of the year.

Matheran in April  is mostly, about the whiteness of the dried grassy slopes mixed with the black and brown shades of the rockly base.

Matheran in July is when , everything turns green, waterfalls and misty skies add a spectacular feeling to this wonderful ambience

Matheran in October - post rains, the flowers bloom. Yellow blooms intermingling with grassy slopes, along with the azure blue sky, Matheran has a charm of its own.

I am very excited this time around, its not the route, its not the season, its not the flowers, it is just that I have special someone to accompany me to this favourite place of mine.

Come rains, Come quickly!