Friday, June 5, 2009

L.O.S.T in Real Life

In a classic case of real life imitating reel life, the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Air France flight 447, is the perfect prequel for my favourite sci-fi drama series of the past few years L.O.S.T. If we go by this version, also since the wreckage of the plane has not been found, the survivors are still alive, may be in a mysterious tropical island somewhere in atlantic.

Is it secret alien base station in the lost continent of Atlantis, which was conducting a secret inter galactic energy transmission in the guise of a tropical thunderstorm, to periodically recharge their livelihood in the mountainous depths 6000m below sea level. Or is it a Captain Nemo's Nautilus, which secretly kidnapped the entire airline's crew and passenger base to replenish its ageing work force at the mysterious island in south pacific.

Ofcourse, the passenger list had its own interesting people. The ex royal descendant of the brazil, 3 chirpy teenage wannabe doctors from ireland, wise and experienced pilot, citizens of over 30 nationalities and also ofcourse, the secret spies of the CIA, british MI6, Israeli mossad, who were just returning from a well deserved beach side rio vacation after the success of the last secret spy mission. Each has his/her own story to tell. Ofcourse, the soccer crazy brazilian cab driver, who ensured that 3 passengers were delayed enought to miss the flight by a few minutes. Divine providence or some karmic connection. Over to the present now ..

Some say that it is well known, that this portion of atlantic is the favourite dumping ground for satellite debris, was it that the plane struck by a failing satellite or may be a meterorite. At the speed at which the plane was travelling, it doesnt require a very big sized object to completely vanquish a 200 tonner airliner. Or was it a extra powerful magnetic field which caused a failure of the electric system a la bermuda triangle.

The yet to be deciphered coded message recieved from the flight 447 before the communication systems were lost ..


It has left officials puzzled as it doesnt comply with the standard aviation coding standards. May be in this code lies the secret that can potentially unlock the mystery of the flight disappearance. So codebusters out there, get set and go.



  1. I am L.O.S.T. for words :D

    BTW dude, if this is a serious venture, then good luck. Cant wait to meet the mystery-writer we didnt know we knew :P

  2. My opinion, there was lightning leading to some techinical fault, leading to a blast consuming everyone. Unless there is reasonable evidence of any other possiblility, i will just say its a natural accident. - shiva
