Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Absolute humour

Has it occurred to you that you found something funny and laugh your heart out, while people around seem totally nonplussed at your behaviour. It happens to me ever so often. It has lead me to believe there is nothing in the world called Absolute humour. For long, I believed it was just one of my many idiosyncrasies, not worth sparing a thought. It was particularly evident, while watching movies, citing two cases of not so funny ones- The Namesake and more recently Lost in Translation. I was berated by my companions, who failed to understand what was so funny. Its just that a few people are endowed with a funny bone, which is tickled at the slightest of reasons.

But all laughter need'nt be funny. I came across this facebook community - Random laughter when remembering something. It says, laughter is evoked, when an event invokes positive memories of the past. Well, that might be my excuse. This giggle-sniggle has other positive side effects also. Once a friend had asked me, how do I manage to remain a happy guy all the while. I was at loss to answer that one. I did'nt want to sound gloomy with the outpouring of my grief. Neither could I pride on my exalted state, as I am not privy to measure of other people's feelings or emotions. It nevertheless is a cool facade to put on, without much effort.

Everything comes at a cost. For one, you might sound the most immature of the lot. The intellectual depth of your thought process might be put into some questioning. But there is little you can change, even if you want to. Now when I say, Dhamaal is one of the funniest movies I have seen over the last several years, I am so so damn serious and definitely not sarcastic in criticising the slapstick humour of bollywood movies. Let me strenghten my case, by saying the Revered SWAC-C of our esteemed alma mater is also equally in agreement. It is quite another case, that we both watch every slapstick movie that is released from Fool N Final to Singh is King. It has in turn refined our ability to appreciate the finest of nuances in slapstick.

Now Hangover was okie, well written & funny in parts. But at times it was crude and gross for no particular requirement of the storyline. Any comparison with all time classics like Not Another Teen Movie, is over the top and totally inaccurate. The funniest character in hangover to me was the Chinese guy and not the weirdo brother of the bride, whom most in the audience seem to like. It still would rank quite lower than the many spoofs I have been watching these days like Naked Gun series, Super Heroes, Scary Movie.

May be my sense of humour is aroused in witty misrepresentations of facts. Yay!. If I have got my analysis right, I need recommendations on books to read, movies to watch. Just the right ones for me, Now that you know what works.

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  1. Zoolander
    Starsky & Hutch
    A Fish called Wanda
    Mars Attacks ;)

  2. Go try "My Cousin Vinny". Even the revered Swac-C recommends this :P

    And nothing called ABSOLUTE HUMOR? Surely you've watched Chaplin, come on!

  3. @Manan : Thanks!

    @Ishu: C'mon, I can introduce you guys, who can't stand chaplin :D

  4. No, thank you. I don't think I can stand the thought of that being true :D
