Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Matheran of many seasons

June 15th is one big day, I am really looking forward to. Well, that's approximately, when Mumbai and surrounding areas receive the first showers of the season. With showers, come flooded roads, broken umbrellas and stinky train compartments. But with it also comes transformation, its green green everywhere.

Best place to witness this transformation is Matheran. How can such a beautiful place be so easily accesible to residents of Mumbai, with a local train available once every hour to ferry you to this wonderland in mere 90 minutes for as little as Rs. 27. I think residents of big cities need to work harder and spend a lot more time & money to deserve this.

What excites me so much even today- after more than 7 odd trips in the last 3 years visiting the same place. Even if the destination if same, the routes can be different. Trust me, there are 10 different trekking routes to reach the hill top, each promising a unique adventure, I have tried only 2 thus far. 

Matheran looks completely different in different times of the year.

Matheran in April  is mostly, about the whiteness of the dried grassy slopes mixed with the black and brown shades of the rockly base.

Matheran in July is when , everything turns green, waterfalls and misty skies add a spectacular feeling to this wonderful ambience

Matheran in October - post rains, the flowers bloom. Yellow blooms intermingling with grassy slopes, along with the azure blue sky, Matheran has a charm of its own.

I am very excited this time around, its not the route, its not the season, its not the flowers, it is just that I have special someone to accompany me to this favourite place of mine.

Come rains, Come quickly!


  1. Like it :) I wish blogger had something like a like button as in fb.

  2. Hey, New Guy! Congrats on taking over this blog from that fellow who quit saying "Last One" :)

    And good pics man! It's not often one gets to see the same place captured in different seasons. Good job there!

  3. You cant keep the fish off water for too long :)
