Friday, January 15, 2010

Eleventh hour preparation - Mumbai Marathon

I, hereby willingly submit myself to the unique human experiment, where in the ability of my body to withstand the gruelling 2 - 3 hour run, more so under circumstances, when I have barely walked 21km, let alone run the entire past month. Marraige beckons, so the entire community expects a well fed = well to do groom, not an athletic built marathon runner. Social compulsions can also lead to obesity.

But while the muscle toning and endurance/rhythm development might be lacking, I have kept up the other part of the preparation going particularly well. i. e nutrition. Over the past month, I have eaten a lot of cheese and pasta. Dry fruits and plenty of milk. This overdose of nutrition without commiserate exercise has built a reserve of adipose tissue that is so beautifully spreading itself across every nook and corner of the body, to ensure the edges turn to contours and contours eventually turn into one bloated blob of fat.

However, disgusted I might be with my putting on weight. I am very confident I will shed them all during the 2 hours on early sunday morning. Running on Bandra - Worli sea link is the most exciting. Also the fact that, I will have the company of many friends and batchmates, ensures I better live up to all expectations. after all, I mostly coaxed them to enroll, even if it meant only for the goodie bag with hazaar freebies.

I dont think I will beat my best time of 1 hour 57 minutes this time around. I willbe happy to thank the almighty if I just manage to completed the course with little tan, reasonable weight loss and no injuries

A few tips from many previous running experiences

  • Eat,Eat and Eat as much as possible on saturday, but stop atleast 6 hours before the start of the run.

  • Carry energy bars with you even if you dont like the taste. You will surely appreciate it and even thank the maker by the time you have crossed the 16 km mark

  • Drink only as much water as you have perspired till then. Also add a little bit of electrolyte. This is to ensure no cramps happen. CRAMPS are reason #1 for marathoners dropping out midway.

  • Run at your most comfortable speed and if possible with a partner with similar running speed. After 16 km, you can barely see the destination. The only reason you run is the other guy next to you is running slightly faster and you need to catch up

  • Dont give up. Even if you run 10 km and walk the remaining 11km, you will still complete within the stipulated 3 hours. So come what may, never give up.

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