Monday, January 18, 2010

Mumbai Marathon 2010 - results, statistics and analysis

Okie. Okie. Results out. If you want to know how you did or how your friend did, find the link below useful

I had a bad run this year, injuries galore. 2:38 minutes is poor by my own expectations (thats 2120th position out of 11000). SWACC did 2:42. Shubh and Devam, I need to check. One of my friends from bangalore did 4:55  full marathon( thats 300th position out of 3500)

Check these interesting statistics

Full Marathon Registrations: 3500
Full Marathon Finishers: 686
Full Marathon position at 3 hour mark : 44
Full Marathon position at 4 hour mark : 86
Full Marathon position at 5 hour mark : 360

Half marathon Registrations : 11000
Half marathon Finishers: 6188
Half marathon position at 1.5 hour mark : 35
Half marathon position at 2 hour mark : 268
Half marathon position at 2.5 hour mark : 1330
Half marathon position at 3 hour mark : 3233

Analysis and Results:
1) Only 20% of marathon participants actually completed the race, while 56% of the half marathon participants completed the race.
CONCLUSION : Half marathon is no big deal. So lazy bums out there, get up and start running :)

2) Assuming brisk walking/mild jog speed at 6 kmph, if you are currently a 2 hour half marathoner, with no extra effort you can become a 5 hour full marathoner and still be among the top 300 runners in the country
CONCLUSION : Half marathoners, kindly upgrade!. Running half marathon is no big deal anymore!

3) Even at 3 hour mark for half marathon, which is a typically accepted speed for brisk walking/mild jogging, only 50% of half marathoners had completed the course.
CONCLUSION : Essentially it means, a lot of people need work on their walking first, before even thinking of jogging :)

BOTTOMLINE : Running is great fun, even more so in a group. So get started, enjoy running while your back, spine and neck can hold through. Well before the age of 40, when the fear of lifestyle diseases begin to haunt you.


  1. well done.. actually, i would like to do a half marathon sometime next year. The sense of achievement associated with it is immense. Moreover, it should help me shed all the fat I am accumulating now :)

  2. Sure! So u want to complete the unfinished business from Sydney

  3. Congratulations! And I guess u guys had a good time as well with Wayne and Kas joining the run! I shall probably run the Chennai Half Marathon next year :)

  4. Thanks dood :).. you are welcome to join us at the run in Mumbai
