Thursday, July 9, 2009

Moon Peak

I have just finished reading Jeffry Archer's Paths of Glory. It is about the life of George Mallory, the unofficial first person ever to summit Everest, though there is no recorded evidence to prove that. Needless to say, I am mighty inspired. All I want to do now, climb up to the summit of any one of the Himalayan peaks, even the smaller ones would do. Now the problem is I don't have the time or the money to spend on a grand Himalayan expedition.

My criteria is simple

1) Mumbai - Summit - Mumbai journey should not take more than 5 days
2) Summit should be at least 5000m high with a height above snow line of at least 1500m
3) Me can't scale some steep snow cliff with ice axe and all, so difficulty level should be average
4) Definitely don't want to spend more than 20k all inclusive on the trip

Need to take quotations from mountaineering clubs or do some heavy duty Internet research ?
Naah ... I know the peak I want to scale. Ever since the day I saw it, over 2 years ago, I have climbed it at least 3 times, even saved a colleague's life once and survived an avalanche another time. Now its time do it for real. I feel it is the closest I will ever get to really being a mountaineer.

The name is Moon Peak and it towers behind Mcleodganj in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh. The photo of the snowline as seem from the hotel, where I stayed. The snowline starts from a glacier called Triund, which was barely 9 km from where we stayed. I almost trekked there last time, had I not been held back by my lazy friends, who rather wanted to spend time playing cards, singing and dancing. But yes, the research was done nevertheless. Snow boots, sleeping bags and basic equipment all available for rent at Mcleodganj for a few thousand thousand a day. Professional guide is also available for a few hundred a day. It is a day's trek to Triund and another one day to peak and two days on the return. Since Dharamshala is well connected from Pathankot ( 2 hours), Assuming I would need half day each for the onward and return flights making it a total of 5 days - yipeeee !. Let me also clarify the climb doesn't require great mountaineering expertise. Loads of Enthu and some stamina would suffice.

Peak - Moon Peak (5010 m)
Base camp - Mcleodganj ( 2000 m)

BTW .. there are a few other peaks in Garhwal, Kumaon and Sikkim. Some of these are not easily accessible or others don't fit into my criteria.

Now coming to the purpose of writing this post. I need able and willing partners to give me company.

I am married. I am planning to get married. I am stuck up in project. I don't have any leaves left. I am broke. I am old. I am unfit. I think you are crazy. I better get back to my work.

These are list of acceptable excuses. If not, its worthwhile to give a thought on making this trip.

I am in no hurry. I just hope one day, We will be able to do this. :).


  1. i am sure you will be able to reach the moon peak. well, i am married. so there goes my excuse :)

  2. iam also a married guy with loads of responsibilities. Will join u in a decade or two. - shiva

  3. @ Mrunal & ShivaJ .. there is surely a way out, if you can inspire your other (or better) halves to join you :)

  4. I am actually planning to go to Dharamshala sometime in October, but Most probably only for 3 days so I guess not enough time to make it to moon peak and back :) I'm sure you will do it... someday

  5. @ Ranjana .. I am accumulating all the best wishes in the comments section :) .. you have fun at Dharamshala

  6. I climb moon peak in April 2009.
    Ashok Gharat

  7. Hi Ashok,
    I am planning to go to the moon peak. Could you please tell me the best way to organise my trip. Economical and exciting.
