Friday, July 24, 2009

A speck by any other name is called speck

Can you see the speck?. Yes, that's me. I have even tried to draw your attention with big bold letters, well that is as big as I have ever got till now. Someone said I am black, another one said I am white, I thought I better clarify it myself. But never before had a speck ever clarified, its blasphemous. No speck can ever get too big for his pixel!. The Someone didn't like black and the another one didn't like white. Neither liked me, so why bother to hear me out. I liked them both coz besides someone, there was only the other one. I lacked choice. I still stood out. But nobody seems to appreciate that fact. Some one chose one among the hundred similar white dots and other one chose one of the blacks. I have been asked to wait. As they say, that one day, someone will seek shades of grey. I am waiting.


  1. trying out abstract writing.

    Abstract art needs to be context free and use symbolism that each person can understand in their personal context. Hence the appeal is supposed to transcend the artist's vision.

    Dot/Speck is the most simple tool to represent any identity/person and various associated attributes. Black/White and colour shades represents a range of experiences/emotions a person is experiencing a point in time. So may be if you try a little hard, you may what I am trying to say, albeit in your own personal life context.

  2. You still lost the way Joey gets lost when Ross uses the word 'subconsciously'. Was watching few episodes last night :D
